vrijdag 22 mei 2009

De betere gesprekken in Ghana

(Einde van een telefoongesprek)
Mr. S.: What was your name again?
Me: My name is Nanna and I am a colleague of Isabel
Mr. S.: Your name is Na(n)na?
Me: Yes
Mr. S.: And your Dutch?
Me: Yes
Mr. S.: Congratulations!

(Vanochtend voor het ontbijt in de tuin bij de sportschool)
D.: So I will see you next week, O yes my name is Dominic (we shake hands)
Me: My name is Nanna
D.: Na(n)na?
Me: Yes
D.: Are you adopted?
Me: No
D.: Some Europeans call themselves Ghanaian names after they've visited Ghana.
Me: No, my mother named me, it is from Johanna, I am all Dutch.
D.: Yes, I can see

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